We all know the monotony of the day to day office grind. Same crap different day right. Not only with respect to daily duties, but also with daily ergonomics. The same sitting, the same standing, the same phone to ear daily calls, the same everything; for hours and hours on end. It’s no wonder that with hours upon hours of the same thing every day come aches and pains. These aches and pains begin to grow worse as the days, weeks, months and years go on. Your duties and jobs don’t change, and if they do, your responsibilities tend to only get greater. So, if your activities aren’t changing, how could you expect the aches and pains get better or go away?
I probably don’t have to say that a good portion of my patient base are people who work that day to day desk job grind. They come in with neck pain, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, you name it. These problems can be a literal pain in the butt at best. These problems can hinder your work performance and can become debilitating and make day to day tasks not only difficult but for some even impossible. If only there were ways to combat these issues now and forever! Well, I have some new for you. There are ways and I have made this article just for you. In this article you will find some very easy and effective desk stretches to get you moving, relieve tense muscles and ease the aches and pains of the daily office grind.
Let’s start by adding small changes first. Simple desk stretches and movements you can do at your desk without even leaving the comfort of your office space! There are so many great stretches that can be done quickly and efficiently to help relieves some of those aches and pains and to get your body and spine moving again. Before we get started I want to mention, if some of these movements cause increased pain, do not do them! Only, focus on the movements that feel good! It sounds like common sense, but so many people will fight through pain if the internet tells them that it might help! I am telling you now, if it hurts, DO NOT do it! Now that I have got that out of the way, let’s get started!
Table of Contents
The first set of movements are extremely basic ranges of motion for the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar spine. AKA: The neck, mid-back, and lower back. To make these movements very efficient and to not waste precious time, we are going to perform the ranges of motion for the entire spine all together.
Correct Sitting Posture
Correct Sitting Posture
- Begin in the seated position with your butt towards the front edge of the chair and assume a proper posture.
- Head straight forward
- Shoulders back
- Arms down to your side
- Palms facing forward
- Neutral curve in the lower back making sure not to bend forward and not to hyperextend
Spinal Flexion Exercise
- We will start with the flexion and extension ranges of motion
- Begin by bending forward towards your toes
- Tuck your chin
- Round your entire spine towards your toes
- Extend back to the starting position
- Continue extending past the starting position
- Arch your lower back and mid back
- Look up at the ceiling as if trying to see the wall behind you
- Perform 10 repetitions of both flexion and extension
Spinal Extension Exercise
Spinal Extension Exercise
- We will now perform lateral flexion ranges of motion
- Begin in the starting position
- Bring your left ear to your left shoulder
- Slide your left arm down your side as if to touch the floor
- Raise your left hip slightly
- You should feel as if you are doing a side crunch on the left side
- You should feel a stretch on the right side muscles of the spine
- Move back into the starting position
- Repeat these movements on the right side
- Perform 10 repetitions on both the left and right side
Spinal Lateral Flexion
- We will now perform rotation ranges of motion
- Begin in the starting position
- Cross your arms in front of your body
- Begin rotating your lower back and your mid back to the right side
- Begin rotating our neck as if to look behind you
- Return to the starting position
- Repeat this motion on the opposite side
- Perform 10 repetitions on the right and left side
Spinal Rotation
The next stretch we will perform is a hamstring desk stretch while seated in the office chair
Seated Hamstring Stretch
- Begin in the same starting position
- Extend your right leg with your heel placed on the floor and your toe pointing towards the ceiling
- While maintaining a straight spine begin leaning forward towards your toe
- You should start to feel a stretch in the back of the leg (hamstring)
- Hold that stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform 3 sets of 45-60 seconds on both sides
The next stretch we will perform is a shoulder desk stretch
Seated Shoulder Stretch
- Begin in the same starting position
- Cross your right arm in front of your chest
- With the left arm, grab onto the right arm and pull it towards your chest and towards the left side of your body simultaneously
- You should begin to feel a stretch on the back side of your right shoulder
- Hold this stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform 3 sets of 45-60 seconds on both sides.
The next stretch we will perform is a tricep desk stretch
Seated Tricep Stretch
- Begin in the same starting position
- Raise the right arm above your head
- Bend your right elbow and place your right hand behind your head
- With your left hand, grab your right elbow and begin pulling the right elbow down towards your chair
- You should feel a stretch in the backside of your arm and towards your armpit
- Hold the stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform the stretch for 3 sets on both sides for 45-60 seconds each
The next stretch we will perform is a latissimus dorsi desk stretch
Seated Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
- Begin in the same starting position
- Raise the right arm above your head
- Begin bending to the left side and reaching toward the left with your right arm
- You should feel a stretch on the right side of your torso and mid-upper back
- Hold this stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform 3 sets on each side holding for 45-60 seconds
The next stretch we will perform is a piriformis desk stretch
Seated Piriformis Stretch
Seated Piriformis Stretch
- Begin in the same starting position
- Cross your right leg over top of your left knee
- Use your hands to apply downward pressure to the top of your right knee
- Begin leaning forward towards your right knee to enhance the stretch
- You should feel a stretch near your buttock area
- Hold the stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform 3 sets of 45-60 seconds on both sides
The next desk stretch we will perform is for the flexor muscles on the front of the forearm
Seated Wrist Flexor Stretch
- Begin in the starting position
- Extend your right arm forward in front of your body towards your knees
- With your palm facing forward and your fingers pointing down, use your left hand to pull your fingers towards your body
- You should feel a stretch on the front of your forearm, wrist and elbow
- Hold the stretch for 45-60 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
- Perform 3 sets on both sides for 45-60 seconds each
Other useful tips for people with desk jobs.
- A poor habit office workers typically fall into is not moving enough throughout the day. Be sure to get up and walk around once every hour and take the stairs whenever possible instead of using the elevator. Small things make a difference. Instead of just walking, try speed walking whenever possible while using an arm swing motion. This method is very healthy for the lower back, spine and discs.
- Set up your desk properly. Your computer screen should be directly in front of your face. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees while using the keyboard. The knees should be at 90 degrees while seated. Your butt should be towards the edge of the chair and your spine should be in a neutral position.
- Perform these desk stretches daily!